2023 Family Success Story #4

*Samantha and her two girls, ages one and three, joined the Shelter Program at Family Promise of Ogden, fleeing from domestic violence. *Samantha struggled to leave her situation, but summoned the strength to do so with the help of Family Promise of Ogden. Prior to entering the Shelter Program, *Samantha travelled over an hour a day in order to work. Once in the Shelter Program, *Samantha got a better paying job closer to Family Promise. She also enrolled her children at a daycare nearby. *Samantha always looked for opportunities to improve her situation. *Samantha applied for every housing resource she could find. Although she found a better paying job, she was unable to qualify for state assisted programs aside from daycare. At first, *Samantha worried about her food and other bare necessities. Her worries quickly subsided as soon as she took the financial class at Family Promise of Ogden, which helps clients take control of their financial life. *Samantha learned how to budget and manage her money to afford life expenses once she left the program. With her developed skills, *Samantha tirelessly researched and applied to apartments. She used her savings to comfortably transition into her new apartment. *Samantha had another two daughters from a previous relationship, and now that she had escaped homelessness, she was finally able to re-unite with them!

*Names have been changed to protect clients’ confidentiality