Family Promise of Ogden (FPO) needs your help hosting families with children experiencing homelessness.
Families, businesses, civic organizations, congregations can sign up to be Participating Hosts for a week during the upcoming year.ย The families will stay in a location in North Ogden during the evening and at night and they spend their days at the FPO Day Center in Ogden.ย Your group will be responsible for the period from 5:30 PM to 10:00 PM to assist with the following:
- Appoint a coordinator for your group who will ensure your support is coordinated and completed for the week assigned. Training for the coordinator will be provided.
- For seven days beginning on a Sunday evening: provide dinner each night, breakfast, and food for preparation of lunches for up to 15 individuals.ย Some set up and cleanup of the North Ogden facility is required at the beginning and end of the week.ย A more detailed schedule is available on the FPO website.ย
- From 5:30 PM to 10:00 PM volunteers stay with the families providing mentoring, compassion, and caring fellowship
Familyย Promiseย of Ogden (FPO) is an affiliate ofย Familyย Promiseย National, aย nonprofitย with more than 200 chapters thatย utilizes local partnershipsย within the city and county to change lives.
Our families use our day center, from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM to shower, do laundry, care for pre-school children, and seek employment.ย FPO provides a case manager to work with the families to develop a personalized plan based upon their specific needs and connects them to services needed to achieve their goals, which may include financial services, health care, education and job skills training, day care and youth development programs and assisting them to obtain employment and independent housing.
In the evening volunteers assist the families by feeding them and fellowshipping them from 5:30 PM to 10:00 PM.ย The guests sleep at the North Ogden facility and are transported back and forth to the Day Center with the FPO van.
For more details email Raquel at